Holly Springs Learning Center fully believes that:
- A quality early childhood education creates the foundation for future learning successes.
- Learning to communicate with peers within a structured environment, and on a social level, is necessary for young children.
- Respect for self, others, and the environment is something that is taught and earned. Learned at an early age, this provides children with the tools they need to be a contributing member of a larger community.
- Young children learn through experience and hands-on activities.
- Teachers at the preschool level should facilitate learning, not dictate activity.
- Children should be guided toward positive decisions and choices, allowing self-esteem to flourish.
- Children should be nurtured and made to feel special. They should be recognized as an individual, not only as part of a larger group.
- Our school is an extension of the home. Parents, teachers, and administrators must work together to create a warm, comfortable, academic environment for all children in attendance.
- Each lesson each day should benefit the child’s social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth.
- Learning should be fun!
Our goals are to:
- Provide children with a safe, stimulating, nurturing environment.
- Create an environment that encourages independence and good decision-making.
- Provide children with experiences that promote positive growth and high self-esteem.
- Provide children with a foundation with which they can build future successes.
- Successfully blend school, family, and community.
- Enable children to interact and solve conflicts with peers in a positive way.
- Instill a love of learning through meaningful and fun lessons.
- Guide each child to develop a sense of social and personal responsibility.
- Expose children to and involve them in the arts and multicultural activities.
- Provide experiences that enhance creativity.
- Provide a curriculum that is well-defined and caters to individual learning styles.
- Employ teachers who teach and model respect and positive emotional, social, intellectual, and physical traits.
- Help each child find happiness and satisfaction in his/her accomplishments.
- Aid each child in the development of fine and gross motor skills.
- Respond to the needs of families and provide opportunities for parent education.
- Respond to the needs of the community and display a commitment to community efforts.
- Provide children with a sense of belonging and well-being, and a love for learning that will continue throughout their school years.